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On The Western Front Mod Download


Updated: Mar 25, 2020

About This Game Grand Strategy on a Small ScaleJanuary, 1915. The Race to the Sea is over. The Great War has just begun. You are the commander of a single division in the meat grinder that is the Western Front. Lead your men over the top as you attempt to break the stalemate that is to claim the lives of millions over the course of years.Are you ready to be a donkey and lead lions to their glorious deaths?Mud and BloodCommand your men down to the platoon level. Build trenches, dig tunnels, set barbed wire, and more in a futile attempt to break through the enemy lines.Make use of different unit types to solve the stalemate, from riflemen and machine gunners to engineers and tunnelling units.Multiple shell types allow astute commanders to remain flexible. From gas shells to shrapnel, different situations call for different shells.Weather and time of day will affect everything, including visibility, morale, and the structural integrity of your fortifications. Make sure to maintain them properly!Noble SacrificeEarn Valour from your superior officers by sending your men to their deaths during full-scale offensives. Both inflicted and sustained casualties can be used to unlock upgrades - lessons learned through blood sacrifice.Perform trench raids and capture enemy prisoners in order to capture intelligence.Send pilots on reconnaissance missions in order scout the enemy lines and keep an eye on enemy activities.If you can't break the enemy lines above ground, go underneath them and set mines that can be detonated at will. a09c17d780 Title: On The Western FrontGenre: Indie, Simulation, Strategy, Early AccessDeveloper:AggroblakhPublisher:AggroblakhRelease Date: 5 Oct, 2018 On The Western Front Mod Download all quiet on the western front 2018. all quiet on the western front juxtaposition. all quiet on the western front book pdf download. all quiet on the western front youtube audiobook. british machine gun used on the western front codycross. on the western front where were many battles fought. all quiet on the western front 1930 vs 1979. all quiet on the western front free movie. wheels on the western front 2019. all quiet on the western front 1930 download. all quiet on the western front free online movie. all quiet on the western front literary devices. all quiet on the western front packet questions. all quiet on the western front release date. all quiet on the western front 1st edition. western front keywords. all quiet on the western front 1930 full movie download. which version of all quiet on the western front is better. x rays on the western front. all quiet on the western front silent version. xem phim all quiet on the western front. all quiet on the western front figurative language quotes. all quiet on the western front english subtitles. all quiet on the western front chapter 7 quizlet. all quiet on the western front online free. all quiet on the western front chapter 9 shmoop. all quiet on the western front josef hamacher. all quiet on the western front movie torrent download. watch all quiet on the western front free online. all quiet on the western front uncut. not so quiet on the western front rar. all quiet on the western front ebook download. on the western front the major military strategy. x rays on the western front. all quiet on the western front full movie online. quiet on the western front summary. quiet on the western front chapter 1. battles on the western front ww2. all quiet on the western front 1979. all quiet on the western front video guide answers. on the western front nothing new. all quiet on the western front final test. all quiet on the western front imdb. all quiet on the western front free read. all quiet on the western front vocabulary chapter 1. key battles on the western front. all quiet on the western front 1979 english subtitles. all quiet on the western front full movie. all quiet on the western front full movie online free. battles on the western front ww2. all quiet on the western front packet. all quiet on the western front chapter 8 audio. on the western front the guns all died away. western front key battles. quiet on the western front sparknotes. all quiet on the western front uncut. stalemate on the western front date. all quiet on the western front 1979 full movie youtube. anzacs on the western front. quiet on the western front summary Very tricky but really fun, cant wait for more updates i just hope there is a way to make it easier as i seam to hjave to micromanage every unit to put it them in placereally good though. I predict this game will eat up hundreds of my free-time hours.. Original game, very promising but better to wait for after EA.. I've never experianced a developer more interested in making a quality player freindly game. game itself is a work in progress but improvements come weekly. It is already playable and for the prices of this developer you are gettimg a real bargin.. It's like Dwarf Fortress but on the Western Front.This game, while still rough, has the potential to become something really great. It's not another hex-and-counter game where all you're doing is shuffling things around like some funny smelling cardboard wargame. It's WEGO. It's alive. The game still needs polish but on the plus side the dev is very active and within a week of me making some suggestions, they were all in the game. That's pretty cool.For $10 it's a relatively easy entry. If you want some detail and meat to your game and don't mind some rather simplistic graphics, give it a go.. First I'm not a guy who recommends a game just because it is EA, or throws money at a dev just because they have a good idea which might be an OK game in a year if they work hard at it. If an EA game is crap and not currently worth buying, I'll say so. But I recommend this. There are two major reasons why. 1. The Dev has proven in the past that he will stick with a game for a long time and come up with a good product (his other game is World Boxing Manager and it has a very similar style to this). He'll update a game even when you think the updates are long since done. His last game, like this one, doesn't look like much at first glance but is incredibly deep and well-balanced.2. There's obviously so much here, even now in EA. It is an enormous amount of stuff for one person to have done. OTWF has RPG elements in officers and experience. It's got all of the various aspects of trench warfare - air recon and dogfights, barbed wire, raids, tunnelling, supply, weather effects (heavy rain will damage your trenchworks for example). Lots of upgrades like flamethrowers. And it's all well-balanced and thought out. You can just sense it. I've never seen a game quite like this.But man, this is a rough product right now. The tutorial is bad - perhaps it contains all the information you need, but that information is largely inaccessible. You can't look up a specific topic. You have to kick off one of the main tutorials, and if you can't perform one of the tutorial tasks within correctly, the tutorial won't advance. So not only do you not learn the concept you were working on, but you learn zero about all of the features that the tutorial was going to cover later.I've got about 15 hours in this game and there are so many things that I still don't know how to do. You'll do something which seems right based on your limited info, but it doesn't have the intended effect. Drilling troops is an important thing, but I've still not figured out why my troops won't do it. I'm still not sure I'm supplying my men properly. I don't know how dead troops get replaced. I'm not 100% sure how hospitals and injured troops work. I can't put my men on watch duty, which means they won't fire at attacking enemy troops. This is pretty important - there is nothing stopping the Germans from walking right across no-mans land and jumping into my trench ATM.Also the game itself seems to make things harder for you than they really are. For example, you're supposed to keep companies and batallions together on the line, since this gives the units command bonuses and causes your orders to be interpreted faster. But presently you fire up a new game and your platoons are scattered to the four winds. So you're going to spend nearly an hour at first just trying to organize your troops in a logical way.If you're an old style gamer, this feels like when I had my C64 or my 486. And I'd get hold of a good looking, detailed game that didn't come with instructions. And I'd be sit there for hours, putting the pieces together and at the end I'd generally know how to play except there would be one or two key concepts that I'd be completely unaware of. The whole experience currently looks and feels exactly like that.If you're an older lad who is OK with playing a game that has a DOS-era feel, or you're willing to suffer with a bad interface to get good detail and depth, then On the Western Front is worth it right now. I don't regret buying it.If you're not that kind of player but looking for a good, detailed wargame with some interesting RPG elements then wait 3-6 months. I'm familiar enough with the devs work to know that he will resolve all of my listed problems in time. Help Text: Hi all,I've added Help Text into the game now. It's by no means complete but forms a basis to build upon. Please let me know if there's anything that needs to be explained better and I'll add it in. Some critical blocking issues with the tutorials have been fixed, but they'll be overhauled soon anyways.Other than that, this update is a relatively short list due to the time it takes to simply write all the text.Bugfixes/Changes:Help button is now clickable in the pause menu and allows you to view information about certain aspects of the game.Blocking issue involving subordinate/superior units in Basic Training tutorial has been fixed and takes into account the newer unit information popup.Tweaked the enemy AI to be a bit more aggressive in building structures.Fixed bug in which the enemy AI was not properly rotating its troops to the rear.Thanks for playing!. Still Alive: Hi all,Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've been tweaking the AI, so there's not a ton of new things to visibly show off - it's all been under the hood work. Just to keep up some of the interest, here's a short GIF showing an enemy wiring party at work.I've also added an Air Activity screen. I'm debating on whether or not to allow the user to actually have some control over their pilots, but for now it's more of a "passive" screen that simply allows the user to view more details of currently deployed pilots.. Remembrance/Armistice Day Weekend Update: Hi all,I've added a couple of new features this week!Alternate FontThe Settings screen in the main menu now has the option of switching to an alternate font which I believe shows up better at lower resolutions. This can only be done on the main menu, because allowing it from the pause menu would be MUCH harder to implement. Let me know if the new font helps - I can always change it to something else if necessary.AircraftI've now made it necessary to assign aircraft to individual pilots before sending them out on sorties. It's pretty basic at the moment. Once you get 1,000 Valour points, you can upgrade any of the aircraft to better models, which provide bonuses in combat against inferior enemy aircraft. You can also have pilots change planes if one becomes too damaged.Let me know what you think of this feature. I'm not 100% sure how much detail should go into it, so I'd love the feedback.Bugfixes:In the process of tweaking the aerodrome, I noticed that new pilots weren't being generated. Now, at the beginning of each month, if the number of pilots and/or planes is too low, new ones are generated.Pilot info now contains an icon to indicate whether they are Recon or Escort pilots.Fixed bug in which scheduled orders for dugouts and blockhouses wasn't working.Fixed bug in which Dry Weather Only scheduled orders wouldn't work a lot of the time.Optimized pathfinding a bit, which should reduce some lag whne pathfinding over long distances.Thanks for playing!. Some Info in the Discussion forums!: Hi all,I've noticed that there have been more than a few wishlists in the short time this game's Coming Soon page has been available on Steam. For more information about the game, feel free to check out the Discussion forums. There are a few threads that shed light on some of the mechanics of the game.Of course, feel free to contribute! The game is still in development, so I'm more than happy to take suggestions and answer questions about the game!Thanks for the interest!. Hotfix 3: Hi all,Quick turnaround on this update, as there are a few bugfixes and changes that hopefully make the game a bit easier to play.Bugfixes/Changes:Underground construction works again. I had broken it when I redesigned the unit order list after adding things like field hospitals and kitchens.Redesigned the "Suppress Area" command at the top of the screen. Previously, clicking it brought up a second menu which could be used to select artillery shell types. Now there is a small window with separate buttons, similar to Build Mode.Scheduled artillery bombardments now are colour-coded when selected using the pop-up dialog in the top-right.Cancel and Rest orders have been decoupled. Cancel orders cause units to stop what they're doing and return to an idle state, while Rest remains an AOE order in which you drag an area for your selected units to rest in.Following on from the above update, Rest orders now work for artillery units. Previously, it would assume all selected units were infantry and eliminate all open ground tiles as rest positions after dragging an area. Now I've made it so that artillery units will rest on open ground, while infantry continue to use trenches or houses as rest locations.The AI has been tweaked a bit so that it now attempts to build blockhouses on higher ground, as well as being more proactive in actually garrisoning them.Thanks for playing!. Staff Officers: Hi all,Sorry for the long delay between updates. Fairly sizeable content update this time, as I've added both divisional staff officers and random events. The headquarters screen now contains a section which allows you to assign divisional staff officers, each with different effects on the division as a whole. Additionally, the frequency, type, and possible outcomes of random events are dictated by who you assign to these positions. For instance, it might not be worth it to have a competent Chief of Staff if his personal traits aren't very good, as the events and decisions he forces you to deal with might be a giant pain.For now, the number of events and decisions is limited to one per officer type - I'll be adding to it gradually as I continue to work on the game.Bugfixes/Changes:Staff officers now appear in the HQ screen.Chief of Staff: Affects order delay for all units.Operations: Affects artillery effectiveness and readiness decay when both attacking and switching tasks.Administration: Affects passive morale loss and replenishment rate of units in reserve.Logistics: Affects food/water regain when in range of kitchens.Intelligence: Affects success rate of air reconnaissance and revealing of units due to noise.The help text for this new feature is also included. Additionally, German staff officers now have the "von" in their surnames, and British staff officer names will sometimes be preceded with "sir."Random events and decisions now appear every now and then.These can sometimes cause temporary effects that affect the whole division.Since your Operations officer now affects the number of tiles attacked by artillery batteries, the default number of tiles bombarded is reduced.Following on from above, the number of tiles bombarded is now affected by current readiness levels. This is to encourage more frequent drilling and troop rotation.Readiness used to be reduced when in reserve, as sort of a tradeoff to the restoration of morale and numbers. Readiness now increases when in reserve. However, readiness now goes down when units attack, to simulate the breaking down and overuse of equipment. Thus it becomes necessary to rotate troops even after taking offensive actions.Fog of war has been tweaked to make it harder to scout enemy positions without constant reconnaissance.Aerial reconnaissance is now more difficult, but can be mitigated with a good intelligence officer.Added a few more variations to the officer portraits.Important notes:You might notice a few references to something called "unit cohesion." This is irrelevant for now, but will eventually come into play once I get the Russians, Italians, and Austrians into the game. No timeline yet on when that happens, but it's just something for the future.You might also note that a lot of traits for the staff officers, such as "Reactionary" don't have proper tooltips. This is related to some of the random events I have in mind for future updates, so proper tooltips will appear for these traits once I hash out their associated events.Thanks for playing!. Hotfix: Hi all,Just published a quick hotfix for two easy-to-fix yet important bugs that were introduced in the last update.1. Fixed dugouts, blockhouses, and mine entrances not working. I broke this when I tweaked the code to allow for field supply dumps.2. Offensives no longer reset if the enemy performs an offensive first.Sorry about these bugs, folks. Guess I introduced too many new features in the last update :)


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